WEST ARCH Conference - LAb[au]

WEST ARCH Conference
Ludwig Forum, Aachen

in the context of the exhibition:
West-Arch, the architecture of a new generation

LAb[au]'s talk is scheduld for the Sunday panel: Into the Niche

the full conference program:
SATURDAY - 06.11.2010
11 am - 12.30 am Introductory talks by Mark Eker and Ole Boumann

On our first day, before the first two panels After the Stars and Competions start, Mark Eker (tbc) and Ole Bouman will give short introductory talks on today's new generation of architects. Mark Eker has been working on the concept of borders and how architects work across them. Ole Bouman is the director of the Netherlands Architecture Institute and curated the Architecture Biennial Rotterdam in 2009.

1.30 pm - 3.30 pm Panel 1 After the Stars (ANORAK,OFFICE KGDVS, Anne Holtrop, NU architectuuratelier, BeL / Moderator: Ariane Wilson)

Since the Nineties young architects have rushed to architectural bureaus like OMA, Foster or HADID in huge numbers. This run has diminished. Many architects are no longer satisfied by working in mass production, for a star architect and always in his special style. Instead we see a trend towards small individual studios who meet the demands of a new market with pragmatic and individual concepts- This unconventional generation works with precision, ambition and creativity on the new image they


have created.

4 pm - 6 pm Panel 2 Competitions (STAR strategies + architecture, STUDYO ARCHITECTs, URA Architects, Pasel Künzel, low architecten / Moderator: Marc Günnewig)

How accessible are architecture competitions in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, are there differences? Do new, young bureaus even have a chance in ambitious competitions? Low chances and high risks are frightening to some while others systematically use these competitions as acquisition instrument. Working abroad, they are able to avoid bureaucracy and difficulties in their own countries. In order to use the full potential of the new generation of architects, the political conditions and established competition structures should be re-evaluated in view of the original spirit and purpose of competitions.

SUNDAY - 07.11.2010
10 am - 11 am Introductory talk by Michael Zinganel

On the second day we continue with the panels Into the Niche, Reclaim Architecture and Across the borders with an introduction by Michael Zinganel, artist, theoretician of architecture and curator. Zinganel explores questions of everyday architecture but also specific problems such as security technology.

11 am - 1 pm Panel 3 Into the Niche (KOMMA4 ARCHITEKTEN, Artgineering, Lobomob, one fine day, LAb[au] / Moderator: Jan Kampshoff)

While the number of archtecture studios is constantly increasing, profiling and specialisation becomes more and more important. Looking for a suitable niche that is not yet occupied by others becomes a concept. Different fields of work are no longer clearly separated and so are the workplaces in the


studios. So KOMMA4 might design a bird house for a hardware store and the studio FAR might cooperate with countries like Germany, Chile and the US at the same time.

2 pm - 4 pm Panel 4 Reclaim Architecture! Politics and Space (DUS architects, ZUS, Rotor, 2012Architecten / Moderator: Florian Heilmeyer)

What can you achieve with already existing material if you see it from new angles? How can you create architecture by combining recycled material? A definition of contemporary architectural aesthetics in view of recycling and re-use.

4 pm - 6 pm Panel 5 Across the Borders (FAR FROHN&ROJAS, NEXT architects, Powerhouse Company, space&matter, V Plus / Moderator: Katja Assmann)

The view and evaluation of borders has changed a lot: what once was an obstacle is considered a potential today. Crossing borders offers both sides new chances and possibilities. How can a mutual exchange be simplified? What are the demands and who can give support?

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