transmediale_2010 - LAb[au]

Media Facades Festival Europe 2010
Start: Fri, 5.2.2010 - 10:00
End: Fri, 5.2.2010 - 18:00

Location: Futures Exchange
Location: House of World Cultures, Berlin Germany

in the context of Transmediale 2010 festival

LAb[au] presenting:
Touch, interactive urban installation
chrono.tower, permanent illumination Brussels Dexia Tower
weather.tower, permanent illumination Brussels Dexia Tower

about the panel1:
Cultural showcases & hacking tools for urban screens and media facades: Showcases and presentations of Public TV, citizens' journalism, urban graffiti, mobile interaction, interconnectivity moderated by and Christian Zoellner and Tobias Fischer of VR/urban and Susa Pop, with the European curators of the Media Facades Festival Europe 2010

Minna Tarkka - m-cult / Helsinki
Mike Stubbs, Heather Corcoran - FACT / Liverpool
Marie-Laure Delaby - iMAL / Brussles
Els Vermang, LAb[au] Brussels
Stefan Mittlboeck - Ars Electronica Futurelab / Linz
Eszter Bircsak - Kitchen Budapest


Nerea Calvillo - Medialab-Prado / Madrid
Evan Roth of Graffity Research Lab and FAT Lab,
Christian Zoellner and Tobias Fischer of VR/urban

about the panel2:
Infrastructure and business models of urban screens and media facades: Exchange about the intersections of cultural content / hacking tools for urban screens and economic business models of the screens holders moderated by Christian Zoellner and Tobias Fischer of VR/urban and Ela Kagel. With the European curators of the Media Facades Festival Europe 2010 & participating partners:

Christian Vogel, Wall AG
Anja Kienz, State Media Authority of Berlin Brandenburg
Eva Emenlauer-Blömers, Senate for Economy, Technology and Women / Project Future Berlin
Andreas Orth, Berliner Fenster
Can Togay, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (CHB)
Evan Roth of Graffity Research Lab and FAT Lab,
Tobias Leingruber presentd by Greg Leuch of FAT Lab and,
Els Vermang from LAb[au] Brussels
Christian Zoellner and Tobias Fischer of VR/urban

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