Smart City - LAb[au]

conference: Smart City
new urban stakes, new art forms

26.09.2007 / 14:00 - 18:00
in the context of:
Emergence festival 2007
organised by: Dedale

Cite internationale Universitaire de Paris, France

Raumlabor (Berlin)
LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth (Brussels)
Exyzt (Paris)

LAb[au] presenting:
Touch, interactive urban project
chrono.tower, generative illumination project


More and more art goes past its classical intervention perimeter and invests urban space, which becomes a real research and art experimentations field. At the same time, the exponential development of new technologies increases possibilities of art interventions in urban space: mobile and wireless technologies, geo-localisation or geographical information systems, sensors and long-range interaction systems, digital technologies. They generate new artistic practices by the interaction


with urban environment and flux, communication, mobility concepts and participation with residents.

First step of a large European project led by Dédale on Smart City topic, this conference organized at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris invites French and international research actors in cultural sector, urban development and architecture.

Artists' and architects' collectives among the most innovative in Europe come to present a selection of committed and original projects: Raumlabor (Berlin), Exyzt (Paris), LAb[au] (Brussels).

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