

1999: the beginning iMAL (interactive Media Art Laboratory), is a non-profit association created in Brussels in 1999. It was founded by individual artists, media producers, interactive designers, software engineers, and by NICC (a Belgian association of visual artists) with the objective to support artistic forms and creative practices using computer and network technologies as their medium.

2007: opening of the Center for Digital Cultures and Technology
In October 2007, iMAL opened its new venue in Brussels, a Center for Digital Cultures and Technology, and a new place of about 600m 2 for the meeting of artistic, scientific and industrial innovations, a place entirely dedicated to the contemporary artistic and cultural practices emerging from the fusion of computer, telecommunication, network and media. Art Laboratory: Experimentation, Residence, Production
IMAL is a laboratory and a workplace for artists in residence, iMAL supports artists during their experimentation and research process as well as for the production and diffusion of their works. IMAL is involved in interdisciplinary projects where digital expressions augment in a meaningful way dance, theater and visual arts.

Research for the Art, Art&Science and Industrial innovation.
Regular meetings are organized between creative professionals, innovative technological companies and research institutions. In 2008, iMAL will start a research activity as a partner in a French project gathering university labs, innovative companies and art.

go to: iMAL website

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