Via festival 2002 - LAb[au]

Via 2002 festival
15.03 - 23.03.2002

Pass, Mons Belgium

space navigable music, audio-visual interactive installation
spa[z]e music, audiovisual concert
en 3+4 jeu x3, interactive scenic device

program overview:
Exhibition: Les cinemas du futur
LAb[au] _ space navigable music, audio-visual installation

19h30 _ en 3+4 jeu x3 _ LAb[au] and Res Publica
21h00 _ spa[z]e music _ LAb[au] and Erzatz

19h30 _ en 3+4 jeu x3 _ LAb[au] and Res Publica
21h00 _ spa[z]e music _ LAb[au] and Erzatz
22h00 _ en 3+4 jeu x3 _ LAb[au] and Res Publica

14h00 _ en 3+4 jeu x3 _ LAb[au] and Res Publica
16h00 _ en 3+4 jeu x3 _ LAb[au] and Res Publica

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