

Directed by Philippe Franck, Transcultures is a multidisciplinary association created in Brussels in 1996 and located since 2008 on the site of the Abattoirs in Mons (Belgium) to develop a Center of electronic and sound cultures.

Transcultures particularly takes up with exploring the different relationships art/society/new technologies from a transversal view closely combining the components creation/production/thinking, mediation/broadcasting.

Transcultures organizes the Transnumériques festival, as well at the sound arts festival City Sonics and issues as well CDs, DVDs, hybrid objects on the contemporary multidisciplinary issues, of digital and sound arts with different Belgian (Sub Rosa, La Lettre Volée...) and international partners. Transcultures is as well an active member of the RAN, Réseau des Arts Numériques (Digital Arts Network) initiated by the Centre des Arts d'Enghien-les-Bains.

go to: Transcultures website

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