Art-cinetique-numerique, group exhibition
Galerie Denise René, espace marais
22 rue Charlot, Paris
Opening: 25.04.2013 exhibition until: 20.06.2013

Presented Artists: Agam, Cruz-Diez, Crespin, LAb[au], Pe Lang, Santiago Torres, Zimoun

featured project LAb[au]:
m0za1que_4x4x4, kinetic light art installation
LAb[au], 2013
system: generative

mosaique - French word for mosaic
O/1 - programmed system
Moza1que is a modular installation, a wall work, constituted out of 4 modules containing each 4x4 = 16 tiles. Each of the 64 tiles is motorised by a linear actuator with a range of 10cm. The individual control of the motion creates different three-dimensional reliefs of geometric patterns evolving following the logic of simple algorithm - programs - such as a cellular automata.

During day these programmed motifs draw black shadows whereas in the evening they draw coloured shadows: The illumination by three light-projectors in primary colours of red, green, and blue leads to a global white illumination of the tiles but their shadows appear in the secondary colours of light. These coloured surfaces appear and disappear according to the tiles' movement.

The artwork relates motion to colour through the phenomena of light; its reduced language - the primary RGB colours of light and its additive blending as the emerging patterns out of simple geometries and rules - refers to generative and kinetic art but its simplicity and the architectural

dimension of the installation refers even more to an elementary art, un art concrete.

about the exhibition

Denise Rene organized in 1955 in Paris 'The Movement', an exhibition featuring artworks by Vasarely, Calder, Duchamp, Tinguely, Jacobsen, Agam, Bury and Soto. This exhibition is today considered as a milestone within the foundation of kinetic art, while reactivating an artistic movement born at the beginning of the century out of constructivist trends in geometric abstraction. Through several generations of artists, creative development of this 'nouvelle beaute mouvante et emouvante' flourished on the international scene, in a continuous stream that is still lasting today, continually enriching itself out of scientific and technological progress, seizing the opportunities offered by the most recently invented materials and distribution means. Through the exhibition 'Art cinetique - numerique', a selection of works produced today both by young artists as by the generation of artists who, having started their research in the 1950s and 1960s, continue to create by taking ownership of the most modern technology, the gallery aims to show the ways how current technology and computer or digital tools, are used to renew the expression of an artistic movement that never stopped finding inspiration in technological progress.

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