part of 16n project cycle and
the framework project edition
year of conception: 2009
Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Alexandre Plennevaux, Els Vermang
generative and interactive kinetic light display
2x8m mounted on a base of 8,3m x 80cm
Aluminium, Plexiglas, LED
stepper motors, infra-red tracking
Project data:
Cables length: 1012 m by module = 4048m
Aluminum profile: 140 m by module = 560m
Amount of servo motors: 50 bu module = 200 motors
Amount of LED's: 1350 LED's by module = 5400 LED's
Amount of infrared sensors: 10 analogues and 10 digital by module = 120 sensors
Computers: One per module = 4 computers
Realized with the support of:
Commission Arts numériques de la Communauté française de Belgique
Metalab02 History Navigator (requires the Adobe Flash Player 8+).