binary states (Binary states)

A binary system of numbering having 2 values as its base 0 - 1

The condition of a physical system being in a stage or form with regard to growth, development, phase...

Open, closed, illuminated or extinct, rotating or stagnant, black or white ... are just a few of examples of system states which can be expressed through 0-1 digits. They correspond to simple numerical representation, instructions of 0 /1, yes/no whereas their development in time can constitute a sequence, a string of 0 and 1 values.

This binary logic is inherent in any digital system and the functioning of a temporary memory slot in computation logics, the-so called 'place-holder'. The transcription of binary states in the materialisation, the programming of kinetic behaviour, the illumination of installations...renders tangible the inherent logics of computation and expresses a 'concrete' design language.

Further the length of a binary string constitutes proper information which can be expressed as an 8bit, 16 bit, 32 bit...system. These data are common for any representation on a computer such as a colour, numbers, letters... On this basis any binary string, can easily be translated into other information. For example a kinetic behaviour (closed=0 and open=1) can constitute an 8bit string such: 00100010 which stands for the number 34, a colour, a sound.... This transcribing of so -called raw data from one representation to another constitutes a unique possibility of mapping one representation system to another and once more explores the specificities of digital media having its own aesthetics.