Systems Art
Lecture LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth

Rits; school of arts
Bottelerij; Brussels

In the conext of:
Winter School RITS, editie 2015
Preworkshop phase

Following an invitation from: VAN DAM Dieter

full program:
wednesday 7 january 2015:
13u45-15u sonification M.#10 MARSEILLE, Romeo Castellucci
15u-16u: United planets, presentation by Karl Van Welden
16u30-18u00: Installations as theatre, presentation Kris Verdonck

Thursday 8 january 2015
13u30-14u30: Lauf der Dinge from Fischli and Weiss
14u30-15u30: systems art, LAb[au]
16u-17u: the art of noise, presentation Elias Vervecken
17u-18u: music in theater, presentation Pepijn Codron

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