Licht Festival Gent - LAb[au]

Licht festival Gent

Ghent, Belgium

opening: 17h45 Boekentoren
reception: 18h10-20h30 Sint-pietersabdij
full program:

the monoChronoFacade, LAb[au]'s permanent illumination for the Liedts-Meesen Foundation
and the corresponding monoChronoApp will take part of the parcours of the light festival Gent.

about the project:

MonoChrono relates the basic units of time (hours, minutes and seconds) with the primary colors of light (red, green and blue). Any given point of time can be expressed as the sum of the specific values of the hours, minutes and seconds and as such the specific values of red green and blue which is defining a monochromatic, and be represented by a monochrome color obtained by summing up the specific values of red, green, and blue.

The light art work can be seen from sunset to sunrise. At sunset, the RGB values reach their minimal level, yielding black. At sunrise, they reach their maximum, yielding white. As time evolves between sunset and sunrise, the color evolves between these two extremes. As, the length of the night evolves in the course of a year and depends on the location on earth, consequently the color of a given point of time on a given day will depend on these contextual values. So the monochrome evolves in function of time and space.

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