Cimatics_2003 - LAb[au]

sonic architecture
conference LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth

presented project:
space navigable music, audio-visual performance
polygone den[c]ity, audio-visual performance
space 360degree

Halles de Schaerbeek Brussels, Belgium


in the context of : cimatics av festival 2003

other invited artists:
Visomat (GER), Datenreport (GER), LAb[au] (B), Qubogas (FR), Antonin De Bemels (B), Roburang (B), D-Fuse & Scanner (UK), Minuszero (NL), Telcosystems & Eog (NL), Stanzacrew vs Lo/Mechanik (NL), Boutique Vizique (B), sK2 (B), Christina Vantzos (US), Visual Kicthen (B), Eavesdropper (B), Rafaël vs Rawakari (B), Anouk De Clerq (B), Tina Frank (AT), Funkstörung (GER), Solu (SP), Mortenson (FIN), Genoflex (B), Sitoid (B), Cinetik (CAN), Visual.Displacements ft Markus Kienzl (AT), Fisheye vs Spacid (B), Exceeda (UK), Axoltl Corp (CZ), Hell-zo (B), Joshua (B), OB/srv (B), Miyu (B).

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