

The media-space programme is a pilot project of Wand 5 of a future media space, which is used continually to connect online- and real-life-activities.The media-space-programme examines the relations between architectural and social space, practice of exhibition and new media. It shows innovative projects, trying to experience online-activities in context of real space. At the four days of conference experts of the different fields of net-culture, architecture, exhibition-design, stage-set, music, exhibition-conception and information technology meet and give talks. Media-Space is part of the Stuttgarter Filmwinter, an internationally renowned Film festival that features short film, experimental film and new media, is starting now an online curator discussion to establish a new experimental space and built up the program fort the show in January.The Filmwinter Stuttgart and Media Space are held and organized by Wand 5 e.V. founded in 1987 as an initiative of filmmakers, architects and art historians. The aim of the organization is to offer an international platform to independent film and media culture.

go to: media-space website

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