cast01 - LAb[au]

living in mixed realities
conference on communication of art, science and technology
21 / 22.11.2001
Schloss Birlinghoven
Sankt Augustin Bonn Germany

organised by:
Monika Fleischmann, Wolfgang Strauss
MARS Exploratory Media Lab, Frauenhofer Institute for Media Communication

LAb[au] presenting:
i-skin electronic bodyness
mNemoTIC space {i-tube}

' For the first time, the conference cast01/communication of art, science and technology is taking place in September 2001. The intention of the conference is to present the status of research, theory and teaching on the subject of "living in mixed realities" from such different perspectives as media art and interface design, as well as information technology and media communication. The dialogue among researchers, artists, and designers is intended to stimulate intercultural cooperation to reflect on and improve life in a digital networked society...'

... Living in mixed realities
' Telecommunication and information technology, the Internet and mobile communication produce a globally interlaced space, thereby changing our understanding of space. The notion of Mixed Reality was mentioned for the first time in 1994 by Paul Milgrim in his paper on Mixed Reality visual displays


aiming to enhance the limited research field of Virtual Reality. According to Steve Mann, wearable computing promises ubiquity any time anywhere...'

' Cast 01 presents examples addressing Mixed Reality that communicate information and locate the user in a situation of presence and awareness... Internationally well known keynote speakers like Roy Ascott, Bill Buxton,Manfred Faßler, Perry Hoberman, Natalie Jeremijenko will navigate you through the two-days field of inspiring new concepts in the ambience of Birlinghoven castle in Sankt Augustin near Bonn, Germany.'

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