artefact festival 2006
13.02 - 18.02.2006
STUK Leuven
featured project by LAb[au]
12m4s, interactive installation
12M4S is designed specifically for the STUK building's major circulation axis. This installation is a architectural intervention, it uses the visitors' movements: main parameters such as position, orientation and speed will be translated visually and audibly.
The result, this particle synthesis, will be projected on a semi transparent mirror combining projection and reflection. A common space between digital and physical world emerges.
about the artefact festival
During the ARTEFACT festival for art and new media, the STUK building will be reinvented by Belgian and international artists. For six days they will use images, sounds and technology to build a fascinating and poetic world.
The program consists of installations, concerts, theatre & performances, a symposium and a software / video exhibition. ARTEFACT will connect to other locations over the internet, one of the highlights of the selection will, to a large extent, be an online experience.
Physical space and how it is perceived will be the common element in the program. All participating artists are looking for surprising forms of presentation, sublime moments, corporeal experiences and emotional technology. Artists and scientists will research space, place & distance and translate it into new forms.
The varied musical program of ARTEFACT features the encounter of architecture and music: sounds become places, and spaces become music.