Artist / Novelist
group show
MoMA, New York
Cullman Education and Research Building, Mezzanine
from: 08.01 - 13.03.2014
exhibition web site ...>
screening: SignalToNoise, kinetic sound installation
about the exhibition:
This exhibition addresses the novel as an integral part of the modern movement, exploring tradition and contemporary experimentation. Early in the 20th century modern artists illustrated canonical novels, while others wrote fully synthetic works. In subsequent decades, artists continued to integrate text and image, even presaging today's graphic novel. In the 1960s and 1970s, with the birth of the artist's book movement, practitioners experimented with conceptual, formal, and political themes. In the 1980s, the novel became a site of critical interrogation, spurring appropriations, altered books, and parodies. In the 1990s, interest in graphic novels and photobooks resulted in new fusions of image and text. Today, artists continue to reinvent the novel, exploring the implications of digital text, responding to the traditional codex, and playing with literary conventions.
Organized by Jennifer Tobias, Reader Services Librarian, MoMA Library.