The f5x5x1 sculpture is a kinetic and luminous framework conceived and realised by LAb[au]. In software development, a framework is a methodological tool based on re-usable chunks of code, code libraries or other software pieces to assist, to develop and to glue together the different components of a software project. In regards to the f5x5x... installation the term 'framework' refers to the installation's constituting elements, a raster of fix and kinetic aluminum frames.
The installation title indicates the resolution instructing the numbers of modules used such f5x5x1 equal one module up to f5x5x3 equal 3 modules and f5x5x5 equal 5 modules.
Further 'framework' refers to the multiple operating modes of the installation, from a low resolution display to a generative and interactive sculpture. Consequently the term 'framework' can be understood as a way to manage conceptually and technically the sculpture's sequential operating modes and the rules by which they switch from one mode to another.