
is of Greek origin, coming from the words 'skini' meaning 'stage' and 'grapho', meaning 'to write' or 'to describe' and is used today for stage design, museum- and exhibition-sets.

The surface on which a picture is projected or displayed for viewing

From the 50's black and white TV screen to today's ultra-bright LED walls the screen has become our window to the world. What they all have in common is the use of light to transmit their signals. But beyond being a medium of light they can also become a medium of space; for example projection screens can act as walls and 'paravents' (folding screens) organising space just as the light cone of a projector can describe a volume... In this manner the inherent spatial and temporal parameter of the 'broadcasting' and networked media becomes externalised, materialised.

The concept of screenography is based on the culture of moving images by extracting its luminous and spatial characteristics to suggest an architecture of light and screens.