Exhibition venue

Ludwig Forum

Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, is a museum of modern art located in the city of Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located in a former industrial building, that was once an umbrella factory designed in Bauhaus style („Schirmfabrik Brauer", built in 1928).

The museum contains exemplary major works of American Pop-Art as well as photorealism. It shows the development of European art from the early sixties up to now. In its permanent collection there are works of art that include works by Nam June Paik, Horst Antes, Roy Lichtenstein, and Jörg Immendorff, as well as a large collection of Cuban art works.

There are also works by well-known contemporary artists on display. There are more museums and institutions bearing the name Ludwig - they are located in Bamberg, Basel, Budapest, Koblenz, Cologne, Oberhausen, Saarlouis, Beijing, St. Petersburg and Vienna. There is a close cooperation between the Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation and these municipal or state institutions.

go to: Ludwig Forum website

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