inFORM - LAb[au]


02.12 - 27.12.2010
08.01 - 15.01.2011

Galerie Kunst-Zicht
Gent, Belgium

curated by:
Guy Bovyn and MediaRuimte

invited artists: Ernoudt Jacobs, code31, Johannes Taelman, Frederik De Wilde, Jerry Galle, LAb[au], Peter Beyls, Pieter Heremans, Marc Godts

LAb[au] presenting:
f5x5x3, kinetic light art installation
SwarmDots, generative art console

between the informal nature of data and visual form

Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is an ordered sequence of symbols or as the amount of signals transmited during a unit of time, bit/s. As a concept, however, information has many meanings and involves many theories and has turned into one of the most fundamental notions of today society.


Breaking down the notion of information to: 'inform', 'form' and 'formation' allows to quailify new artistic practice dealing with the active manipulation of data, and it places artistic practise in the setting of processes and systems. Here the informal nature of data, becomes through coding a form. This formation process involves algorithm, system theories ... to shape data into visual, sonic, and kinetic information,

The exhibition presents Belgian artists using processes and systems to make their art; inFORM between the informal nature of data and visual form.
An art where the meaning lies in the created system is it on a semantic, formal, scientific or esthetic level.

list of works:
Ernoudt Jacobs _ Glass Vibration four
code31 (Gert Aertsen) _ SE: Welcome to the 20th century back!
Johannes Taelman, Pieter Heremans, Marc Godts _ snowcrash
Frederik De Wilde _
The Numerical Recipe Series
Jerry Galle _
LAb[au] _ f5x5x3 _ SwarmDots
Peter Beyls _ nne _

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