Collection d'architectures - LAb[au]

Collection d'Architectures

Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris France
21.10.2007 - 02.02.2008

framework f5x5x5 _ prototype

further exhibitions:
08.03.2008 - 13.04.2008
Salle Saint-Georges , Mons Belgium

The exhibition is curated by:
Jean-Didier Bergilez, LaCambre Architecture, Brussels
Scenography by Label Architecture, Brussels

about the exhibition:
Architectures collection, without title what is a collection of architecture? how to constitute it? how to select and chose 'works'? what are the stakes, the potentials and effects of such a collection ? By exhibiting its acquisition of 30 different architecture offices a collectionor raise these questions?

A collection constituted of documents by the following architecture offices:
Agwa, AIUD / Gil Honoré, Anorak, Artgineering, Baukunst - Adrien Verschuere, bouquelle_popoff architectes, cw architects, FP Architecture, Atelier d'architecture Mario Garzaniti, Atelier d'Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck, LAb[au], Atelier d'architecture Georges-Eric Lantair, Bureau d'architecture Anne Ledroit, Vincent Pierret et Cédric Polet, L'Escaut Architecture, Label Architecture, Lhoas & Lhoas architectes, Emilio Lòpez Menchero, Atelier Matador, MSA, NFA - Nicolas Firket Architects, Polaris Architects, Atelier d'architecture Alain Richard, Archiscenographie -Filip Roland, Samyn and Partners, Urban Platform, V+ Bureau vers Plus de bien-être

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